Simpson Orchards of
Leamington is operated by Jason and Corrie
Adamson. Jason grew up across the street from
the farm and is a 4th generation farmer. Corrie
grew up in the Amherstburg area and has gained a
love of farming through Jason's passion. Our
goal and vision is to continue the legacy that
the Simpson family has built by providing fresh,
high quality, homegrown fruits, vegetables and

The farm boasts over 20 different crops,
including many varieties of apples, peaches,
pears, apricots, cherries, melons, watermelons,
sweet potatoes, squash, etc. With
C.A. long term
storage, apples are available year round with
the best selection of varieties around. Close to 30
different apple varieties are grown ranging from
antique kinds such as Northern Spy and Russet,
to new varieties like
Fuji, Ambrosia and
family farm was established in 1921 when Jean
Simpson and her son Allan Simpson purchased the home
farm. A weekly tradition of taking produce to
market in Windsor, Ontario started in 1928. Jean
and Allan sold their produce in the street while
the City market was being constructed. The
family sold there until 1997 when the city owned
market was closed. Since then, we have been
selling Fridays & Saturdays in Windsor at the
"Market Square" on the corner of Ottawa St. and
Walker Road, until April 2020. Currently the
farm store is open from Monday to Saturday,
8:00am to 5:30pm, year round. In 2022, the farm
changed ownership from the Simpson family to the
neighbouring family of farmers, the Adamsons.